Goodenough College

Welcome to the Debitrak Cashless Card Portal at Goodenough College

On this site you can load your Goodcard with money to use in the Great Hall, Freddies and GBar.
All members are offered a discount on food cooked or prepared on the premises whether they use this cashless system or pay with cash.
There is no discount on retail items such as bottles and cans of drink, crisps, chocolate etc.

Meal Tokens - Great Value

To get an even better discount for meals is to sign up to the Meal Tokens.
You can find more information about the Meal Tokens here.

Please Note

There is no refund for cash left on your Goodcard when you leave. So in your last few weeks you should run down your balance and start using cash.

If you lose or misplace your card let reception know immediately. They can block the card and reinstate it later if you find it or transfer the balance to a new card. If you lose your card you are responsible for the balance on the card until you inform us to block it. So if someone loads up on Mars bars with your money there is not a lot we can do about it.

When you transfer money using this site to your card it will top up balance immediately for you to use at the till.